Here are the key projects which Ettrick and Yarrow Community Development Company is successfully delivering for the community.
EYCDC successfully led the community purchase of the farm buildings and site of 2.06 hectares from Buccleuch Estates.
We have transformed the old Kirkhope Farm steading into five energy efficient, affordable houses and seven workshop units.
EYCDC have successfully purchased the historic Ettrick Marches and part of the adjoining Gamescleuch Forest and are restoring the the boardwalks and improving the local facilities.
This Project was the Development Company’s first significant project. Its aim was to create a walk right round St Mary's Loch in the Yarrow Valley. The walk was officially opened in August 2015 and has proved to be a huge success.
EYCDC successfully led a project of partner organisations to open the historic 'Captains Road' which links the Yarrow Valley and the Ettrick Valley.
EYCDC have purchased the disused former Ettrick school and it is now the home of EYCDC. It has also become the permanent home of the 'James Hogg' exhibition and our electric bike hire operation. It is envisaged that this will become the base for the company's many future activities.
EYCDC have long had an interest in exploring various renewable energy options for the valley communities.
We comissioned a feasibility study from a consultant specialising in hill road construction to look at possible low-grade routes over Bodesbeck Law, the hill that separates the Ettrick Valley from the Moffat Water.
This is a project still in its early days, but it is one that has the potential to be very exciting.